c.a.s.e. inc and Byron School of Art are delighted to welcome artist and educator
John Smith
whose subject for the evening is:
'Fortune's Smile': Mysteriously whimsical, scrupulous and ironic
John will talk about his painting practice and related projects (including poetry) and the significance of Irony. After 35 years of exhibiting major bodies of works (and teaching!) he notes that there seems to be an imperative to become a 'true detective' in words and practice. John promises not to talk about golf.
To see more of John's work click here
Come and enjoy the talk, pictures and discussions over a glass of something from the bar or a delicious plate of food from the Courthouse kitchens.
There is no charge for the talk.
Check us out and like us on fb too: Byron School of Art and c.a.s.e. inc
For more information on the Byron School of Art click here

Fortune's Smile:
acrylic and mixed media on paper,
76x 56 cm